Thursday, September 10, 2015

Update: #AutismBigGive Event

The Big Give for Autism is September 17th! The Autism Society is raising money to support services for children and young adults on the autism spectrum. I plan to make a donation since I want to help other aspies like myself, and I've posted a video to get the word out about the #AutismBigGive.

➤ Click here or below to watch my Big Give for Autism video.

➤ Support the Big Give for Autism

You can still get the extended version of my Asperger's Documentary ("Through Our Eyes") on DVD for a discount! Lasts until the end of September 2015. I'm also working on getting English subtitles on the YouTube version, and there's a slight chance of me adding Spanish subtitles if I can find someone to translate!

Also, please comment below if you would prefer to rent the extended version of "Through Our Eyes" digitally from YouTube, iTunes, or possibly Netflix. I'll work on it if there's enough demand. :)

In other news, I recently posted a new short film to show a glimpse into my inner world. ➤ Watch "Two Worlds" here.

In terms of free stock footage, I haven't been posting much lately because I'm trying to capture new footage that meets the requirements of the site I'm uploading too. I also need them to be reviewed and put on the site so I can provide a download link once they're done.

Thanks for watching! :)


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Inside my Brain... ''Two Worlds'' Digital Effects Short

One of my favorite projects in my Digital Film Effects class was this one. The goal was to showcase some greenscreen and particle effects, along with faux environments with pieces of videos and images. I call mine "Two Worlds" to show the contrast between the real world and the one in my head. The effects aren't perfect, but I love that I got to metaphorically place myself in a representation of Vael.

Special thanks to my friend Mason for filming me on the greenscreen!

(Note: Some of these shots were used in my documentary "Through Our Eyes: Living with Asperger's")

Software: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro

Music: CDK - Silence Await

Click here to see more of my student films!